About Us
Welcome to Steilacoom Historical School District! Our schools work hard to fulfill the district's vision of providing "the best education for every student" with a supportive school community that prioritizes strong relationships and fosters the cognitive, social, and emotional development of each student. We care deeply about the hearts and the minds of our learners and as a "Neural Education Champion District," our schools employ innovative practices to help every student succeed.
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District info, community connections, departments, directories, school board, and more!
Athletics, attendance, schedules, transportation, course catalogs, menus, safety, and more!
Transportation, calendars, ParentSquare, safety, support, volunteer opportunities, and more!
Bullying prevention, emergencies, reporting a concern, our SRO, and student well-being.
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News & Events
Steilacoom Historical School District is proud to share our latest news and upcoming events with our community.
Click below to see our full calendar or our news page.
Steilacoom Historical School District excels because of our exceptional students, our talented staff and the unwavering commitment from our families and community. We are incredibly grateful for your partnership and support."
Dr. Kathi Weight, SHSD Superintendent