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SHSD Family & Student Handbook 2024-2025

Individual schools in the District have the authority to implement school rules to assist them in applying the policies established in this publication and School Board policies.

Each school may have more specific information about the expectations for students in the building. Students and families are encouraged to become familiar with their school’s expectations. A detailed listing of the Board of Directors policies and procedures can be found at the District’s website:

Board policies and procedures adopted after the publication of this handbook override any previously printed versions. 

Student Conduct and Discipline

The district's schools are committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and supportive learning environment for all students. The district has developed definitions for the following behavioral violations, which clearly state the types of behaviors for which discipline—including other forms of discipline, classroom exclusion, suspension, and expulsion—may be administered.

Students, parents and guardians are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these rules and to take an active role in maintaining a positive, safe environment in our schools.

Board policies and procedures adopted after the publication of this handbook override any previously printed versions. 

General Information