Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Policy
It is the policy of the Steilacoom Historical School District that there be no discrimination against any student on the basis of sex. In keeping with that policy, the district will not tolerate sexual harassment of or by any of its employees, students, volunteers or parents. Sexual harassment is a violation of the district's rules of conduct for the work place and/or educational setting.
Sexual Harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:
A student or employee is led to believe that they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication in order to gain something in return, such as a grade, a promotion, a place on an athletic team, or any education or employment decision.
The conduct substantially interferes with a student's educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile education or employment environment.
View the Steilacoom Historical School District (SHSD) Sexual Harassment Policy 3205 and Procedure 3205P online or contact your school office or the SHSD District Office for a copy.
Students may:
Talk with any adult staff member about their concerns
Report the incident using SafeSchools Alert online reporting form
Report the incident by text at 855.745.3674 or email at
Report sexual harassment to the SHSD Title IX coordinator.
File a complaint.