District Boundary Check
Is your property within the Steilacoom Historical School District boundary?
- If your address is in the following zip codes, you reside within the Steilacoom Historical School District:
98303 (Anderson Island), 98327 (DuPont), and 98388 (Steilacoom)
- If your address is in the 98498 zip code (Lakewood), you MAY live within our boundary. The Pierce County GIS (Geographic Information Services) online searchable tool is used for boundary determination.
Directions for using the new Pierce County GIS site
Open the link in a new window: https://matterhornwab.co.pierce.wa.us/publicgis/
In the Data Menu on the right side of the screen, expand "Political Boundaries" and check the "School Districts" box
Enter the full street address and zip code in the search box in the top right corner of the screen above the Data Menu (it is not necessary to enter the city of state)
Click on the magnifying glass to search for your address
The address location will appear on the interactive map. The solid pink line marks our boundary.
If you require assistance determining if your address is in our district boundary, please contact the Steilacoom Historical School District Enrollment Office at (253) 983-2228 or enrollment@steilacoom.k12.wa.us.