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Withdrawing Your Child

Each school has their own withdrawal process where they will check for outstanding fees/fines (including food service), textbooks, chromebooks, etc. -- please complete each school's withdrawal form/process.

If there is a positive balance on your child's food service account, give the school office team your new/forwarding address so the District can issue a refund check.  While your child(ren) are active in our district, all fees/fines can be paid through Touchbase.

Please inform each child's school at least five (5) school days before their last day to allow time for the withdrawal process.

Anderson Island Elementary -- complete their online Withdrawal Form

Cherrydale Primary -- complete their online Withdrawal Form  

Chloe Clark Elementary -- complete their online Withdrawal Form  

Saltar's Point Elementary -- complete their online Withdrawal Form  

Pioneer Middle School -- complete their online Withdrawal Form

Steilacoom High School -- visit their Withdrawal Page for more info