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School Resource Officer Program

The Town of Steilacoom collaborates with the district to provide SROs who work within our school district for the school calendar year.  Our SRO provides consistent staff professional development and support on safety/security topics at all six of our schools. The funding for the SRO program is a prioritized and planned expense aligned with our safety enhancements.  The SRO works with SHSD for the school year calendar, and district levy dollars fund our SRO position.

SRO Training Requirements:

All SROs are required to receive extensive training by District policy and by state law, including:

  • Constitutional and civil rights of children in schools, including state law governing search and interrogation of youth in schools;

  • Child and adolescent development;

  • Trauma-informed approaches to working with youth;

  • Recognizing and responding to youth mental health issues;

  • Educational rights of students with disabilities, the relationship of disability to behavior, and best practices for interacting with students with disabilities;

  • Bias free policing and cultural competency, including best practices for interacting with students from particular backgrounds, including English learner, LGBTQ, immigrant, and non-binary students;

  • Local and national disparities in the use of force and arrests of children;

  • Collateral consequences of arrest, referral for prosecution, and court involvement;

  • Resources available in the community that serve as alternatives to arrest and prosecution and pathways for youth to access services without court or criminal justice involvement;

  • De-escalation techniques when working with youth or groups of youth;

  • State law regarding restraint and isolation in schools

  • The federal family educational rights and privacy act (FERPA) requirements including limits on access to and dissemination of student records for non-educational purposes; and

  • Restorative justice principles and practices.

School district contact:
Susanne Beauchaine
Executive Director of HR and Safety

Officer Brandon Massey
Town of Steilacoom Public Safety
Main office: Steilacoom High School
Phone: 253-983-2311 (school year)

SRO Massey Photo