Washington Listens 1-833-681-0211 Monday-Friday 9 am-9pm; Saturday-Sunday 9am-6pm
Pierce County Crisis Line 1-800-576-7764
Available 24/7 providing IMMEDIATE support to individuals, families and communities throughout Pierce County. A request for a Crisis Intervention Therapist (CIT) from the MOCT team may be needed for additional support. If a person is unwilling to be VOLUNTARY for MH services and meet criteria a Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) may be requested and respond to crisis to determine if a person may be detained for INVOLUNTARY mental health services under the Involuntary Treatment Act.
Greater Lakes Mental Health (Medicaid insurance only) Onsite therapist at SHS and Pioneer Middle School. See school counselor for referral.9330 59th Ave SW Lakewood, WA 98499 253-581-7020
Catholic Community Services (Medicaid insurance only) WISe Office Family Behavioral Health 5410 N 44th Tacoma, WA 98407 253-759-9544 or 1-800-566-9053
WISe stands for Wraparound with Intensive Services. WISe is a voluntary service that takes a team approach to meeting your child’s needs. It provides intensive mental health services to support your child and helps your family reach your goals. You can refer your child for a WISe screening at any time. You should consider referring your child for a WISe screening if your child is:
Frequently using crisis lines or emergency rooms due to mental health concerns.
Experiencing hard to understand behavior (such as running away or frequent arrests that are due to mental health) that are challenging to you, other caregivers, or treatment provider, and traditional services alone are not helping.
Displaying an elevated risk of harm to themselves or others.
In need of a more intensive and individualized approach to treatment.
In need of a more flexible and engaging approach.
Involved in multiple systems (like mental health, CPS, Juvenile Justice, developmental disability services, and/or substance use disorder treatment) and the other agencies are struggling to support your child together.
In special education and/or has a 504 Plan, with multiple school suspensions for mental health and/or behavioral issues.
Tacoma Counseling Services (private pay)www.tacomacounseling.org 253-300-1258 306-S 7th St. Suite #203 Tacoma, WA 98402
Consejo Counseling (all insurance) www.consejocounseling.org. 253-414-7461 5915 Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98467
Multicare Behavioral Health (all insurance) www.multicare.org (search behavioral health)325 East Pioneer Ave Puyallup, WA 98372 253-697-8400 or 888-445-8120
Lakewood Child and Family Counseling (Medicaid insurance Molina and Coordinated Health PREMERE and Private Pay) www.lakewoodchildandfamily.com 253-617-3559 ext 1 Call to schedule an appointment.
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Departmentwww.tpchd.org Resources related to mental health, substance abuse, health etc
Military Specific: all need referral from PCM
Adolescent Medicine Clinic at Madigan (Dr. Lindley)
Nutritions Clinic (Ms. Vacarro)
Child and Family Behavioral Health Services
Military Specific Services
Veterans Crisis Line:1-800-273-8255 press 1 confidential chat at VeteransCrisisLine.net or text to 838255
Military and Family Life Counselor (Service/Family member assigned to unit w/o embedded MFLC) 253-293-2223 or 253-363-6975 Female assigned counselor call 253-213-4038
Military and Family Life Behavioral Health Lewis-Main or North 253-968-4159 or McChord Field 253-982-3685
Child and Family Behavioral Health Services (CAFBHS) - Must have referral from Primary Care Physician. This is for families who have TRICARE Prime.
Madigan Annex
Bldg. 9923A
Tacoma, WA 98431
(253) 968-4843
Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS)- Resiliency training for families, children, and couples; skill building groups, workshops, and consultations.
BLDG 2013, N. St. RM 331 (Lewis-Main)
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities- Mental health services for adults and children of Military families.
(253) 215-7070
6103 Mt Tacoma Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98499
Chaplain Family Life Center- Offers faith based and confidential family, marriage, and individual counseling, to active duty Service Members, their family members, retirees, and DOD civilians.
(253) 967-1723
Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel, BLDG 9120