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Facility Dog

Steilacoom Historical School District is pleased to share that Jim Seefeldt, the district's Physical Therapist successfully applied for a facility dog through Canine Companions for Independence, based in Santa Rosa, California.  In the educational setting, facility dogs are expertly trained dogs who partner with a facilitator to help engage students in schools and while receiving special education services.

Jim will be including his facility dog, Aura in his work with students throughout the school district.  

Learn about "Aura"
Aura is a Yellow Labrador Retriever.  After she was born, she lived in a volunteer caretaker home until she was eight weeks old.  Volunteer puppy raisers then cared for her from the age of 8 months until she was 1.5 years old.  Her caretakers taught her house manners, basic obedience and how to socialize.  When she was 18 months old she returned to her regional center in Santa Rosa, California where she participated in advanced training.  During this time, her instructors helped her fine-tune basic commands, evaluated her behavior and temperament, exposed her to different work conditions and taught her advanced commands. Based on an extensive application process, Aura was matched to be Mr. Seefeldt's Facility Dog.  Together they participated in intense training in California before Aura's big move to Washington State.

What is a Facility Dog?
A Facility Dog is a highly trained and skilled dog used to enhance the quality of the life and education for children or adults with disabilities or special needs.  Facility Dogs typically work hand-in-hand with Therapist, Counselors, Guidance Counselors, Psychologists and Rehabilitation Therapists.