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Inspire Grant

Inspire Grant Logo with Butterfly

Project Inspire, Engage, Empower and Connect will increase the number of military-connected students enrolled in STEM courses by creating a K-12 Stem Pipeline.

This project will establish a STEM science curriculum in the elementary schools, aligning with the middle school. Schools will be supported with the integration of existing science curriculum with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) while partnering with STEM professionals, researchers and field experts.

Project Inspire will focus on 3 strategies. Strategy one focuses on establishing extra-curricular activities for military-connected students aligned to NGSS in the K-5 schools, generating initial interest in STEM. Strategy two and three focus on establishing in class curriculum and instruction supports for students aligned to NGSS in K-8 schools.



Grades 6 - 8 Adoption of Science Curriculum Amplify
Curriculum and supplies purchased for all students in grades 6-8

Grades K-5 - Adoption of Mystery Science
Curriculum and supplies purchased for all students in grades K-5

Saltar's Point group of students in front of Inspire Lab wall sign


Over 200 students participated in a STEAM-related after-school club in the 2022-23 school year!

Post-Pandemic Family Engagement

After the pandemic, we realized we needed to help families re-engage with our schools. In the 2022-23 school year, we hosted 10 STEAM related events at our schools with 2,433 participants!



We currently have an Inspire Lab at Saltar's Point and Chloe Clark Elementary Schools. During the 2022-23 school year, the Inspire Lab at Saltar's Point was utilized by teachers and their classes 167 times!

K-5 Literacy & Science Integration Project Post-Pandemic with Institute Systems of Biology (ISB)

In the post-pandemic area, teachers had concerns about students' math and literacy skills. In our work with ISB, teachers have found creative ways to integrate math, science, and literacy but don't feel like they have to give up one valuable subject for another.

I enjoyed that we were able to view a lesson based on a student lens. This was engaging and really fun to do!

This PD was very engaging for educators. Overall, the PD structure was presented in such a way that educators were able to truly "see" content integration in real practice.