Leading Through Language Grant
SHSD has been awarded DoDEA 2022 World Language Grant, securing a remarkable $1.5 million for a span of five years.
The grant, Leading through Language, will increase the number of K-12 students in world language courses by creating a comprehensive K-12 World Language Pipeline.
K-5 Curriculum Purchases
Adoption of K-5 Spanish curriculum (Sube)
9-12 Curriculum Purchases
Purchase of digital French and German curriculum for students in grades 9-12
Biliteracy Exam
Paid for Steilacoom High School students to take the Seal of Biliteracy Exam
College in the High School (CiHS)
We will be partnering with Central Washington University to bring College in the High School to Steilacoom High School. This partnership will expand our World Language department - as well as other department - offerings for the 2024-25 school year.
K-1 Cohorts of Spanish at Chloe Clark
The first cohort of kindergarten students began receiving Spanish instruction during the 2022-23 school year. As the second cohort of kindergarten begins this year, the first grade continues to grow their skills.
Based on a recent survey, this program has received a 100% positive rating!
Here's what parents are saying about Spanish at Chloe Clark:
He is so confident and thinks of learning a new language as a fun adventure, not a chore, because he started young enough to embrace it.
She is able to translate some words in Spanish and has an understanding on what it means. It even sparked her interest in learning about the Culture of Colombia.
She became interested in the culture and asking a lot of questions about it. She's proud that she can somehow speak the language and be able to understand some of the words and can relate to it.
In addition to the benefit of learning a second language, she's more aware of other cultures and languages.
He can communicate with me now in Spanish since I'm fluent in Spanish.
Learning Spanish has helped my child perfect her pronunciation of both English and Spanish. It has helped her confidence and permanent understanding because she then wants to teach what she has learned to her younger sibling as well as her parents.