National Board Certification
Here are reasons to consider pursuing your NBCT:
National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) may be eligible for a $6,019 annual bonus through the state, and up to an additional $5,000 bonus if employed in an identified “High Poverty School”
Candidates receive 200 clock hours for submitting all four National Board components and 100 clock hours for renewing National Board certification
Upon achieving National Board certification, educators may use their NBCT status to renew their state teaching or school counseling certificate without any additional requirements
WEA is hosting National Board Info sessions – one is this week 10.11: Certification | Washington Education Association (
OSPI is hosting writing seminars to support NB candidates:
Virtual Facilitation is available for candidates through a variety of ESD’s, districts, and EA’s. The Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) offers an online cohort available to any Washington candidates