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The Board of Directors

The Steilacoom Historical School No. 1 Board of Directors consists of five directors, elected by residents to govern the school district. They are responsible for establishing school policies according to federal and state laws, the State Board of Education, and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. They are a critical link between our schools and the community. School director duties include setting the vision and mission of education in the district, establishing district core values, establishing policy, establishing district goals, adopting an annual budget, approving all expenditures, employment of personnel, curriculum, textbooks and courses of study, and deciding on school sites, building plans, and construction contracts. The Board of Directors hires the Superintendent to manage all district operations, in accordance with Policy. Board meetings are typically held at Steilacoom High School and Pioneer Middle School, alternating sites on a monthly basis. One meeting per year (in the fall) is typically held on Anderson Island. The schedule of meetings is posted to the left. The public is always welcome to attend.

Questions or Concerns?

Before coming to the board with a specific question, concern, or issue, we encourage you to:

  • Discuss the issue first with the teacher or principal closes to the situation.
  • If the issue is not resolved at the building level, contact the superintendent through the district office at 253-983-2200. It is possible that the superintendent may route an inquiry to one of the executive directors or managers for attention if the concern is within their responsibility realm.
  • Concerns not resolved may then be brought before the Board of Directors.

Board Meeting Protocol

Individuals wishing to be heard by the Board of Directors shall first be recognized by the Chair. Individuals, after identifying themselves, will proceed to make comments as briefly as the subject permits, no longer than 3 minutes. Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the Board shall also be entitled to express an opinion. The Chair may interrupt or terminate an individual's statement when it is too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene or irrelevant. The Board as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings. Please know that board members and the superintendent will listen attentively to comments from the audience. In the meeting setting, since it is not a time for dialogue, the board might not respond immediately to comments, but may ask the superintendent to research the issue and respond to any questions individually, at a later time. Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a meeting should contact the superintendent's office no later than three days before a regular meeting and as soon as possible in advance of a special meeting so that arrangements for the modification can be made.

School Board Operating Protocol January 2025