Board Governance Goals
By the end of the academic year, each school board member will attend a minimum of three relevant professional development sessions focused on governance best practices, with the aim of enhancing their knowledge and skills in effective decision-making. Progress will be measured through documented attendance records, reflections on key takeaways, and the application of acquired knowledge in at least one board meeting or policy discussion.
Board members will actively contribute to their professional growth and help foster a culture of continuous learning by committing to read a minimum of one relevant article or book chapter per month, sharing key takeaways and insights. The chosen readings will directly align with Board responsibilities, providing insights on emerging trends and successful strategies in the field of governance. Board members will engage in regular discussions and reflections on the readings during monthly board meetings.
Board members will actively contribute to their roles, staying connected with district priorities and fostering a strong partnership between the board, district administration, staff, families, and the community by attending a minimum of six district/school-sponsored events throughout the academic year. Board members will also offer community engagement opportunities, like “coffee chats,” to stakeholders.